Disputatio – Call for Associate Editors – Closing date for receipt of submittals: Aug 1st, 2021

Dear collaborators and contributors,

Because of the expansion of our activities, we are currently calling for the presentation of candidates to becoming Associate Editors of Disputatio covering the following specialities:

  • Metaphysics (including Ontology)
  • Theory of Knowledge (including Epistemology)
  • Philosophical Anthropology
  • History and Philosophy of Science (including Philosophy of Mathematics, Biology, Medicine, …)
  • Humanism
  • Logic and Philosophy of Logic
  • Language Philosophy and Philosophy of the Mind
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Ethics
  • Aesthetics
  • Political and Social Philosophy
  • History of Classic and Medieval Philosophy
  • History of Modern Philosophy
  • Contemporary Philosophy
  • Academic Interviews
  • Reviews

Disputatio is currently accepting papers in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and English. We plan on extending the scope of accepted languages to include furthermore French and German. Hence, we shall welcome proposals for candidates fluent in two or more languages. One of them necessarily has to be Spanish.

This is an exciting opportunity to play a key role in a young journal that is growing steadily. The Associate Editors will have responsibility for managing the peer review process – assigning papers to referees and making recommendations on the content to be published in Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin; ensuring the highest scientific quality and relevance of papers published. They will also be responsible acting as an ambassador for the journal to increase its standing, and helping with commissioning papers to key contacts in the field.

Disputatio (Madrid, ISSN: 2254-0601) is covered by the following indexing services: Emerging Sources Citation Index – ESCI (ISI/WoS), Scopus, The Philosopher’s Index, MLA International Bibliography, PhilPapers, Linguistic Bibliography, ERIH Plus, DOAJ, among others.


Being an Associate Editor carries the following responsibilities:

  • Handling of the review process of original work remitted by authors for publication in Disputatio concerning the respective speciality of the associate editor through the electronic pages used by the Review (currently the systems of EasyChair or Open Journal System, OJS).
  • Verify that the received original work complies with the norms of the Review and decide whether it is worthy of being sent to two experts on the topic. The associate editor should, in particular, verify as far as possible that the text has not been published somewhere else and does not incur any plagiarism.
  • If the decision is reached that the original work should be formally reviewed, the associate editor should verify that the document contains no data giving away the identity of the author, and should send it then to two experts on the topic in question through the platforms of EasyChair, OJS or some other means.
  • The associate editor should receive the evaluations by the experts and solicit a third opinion if necessary.
  • Based on the evaluation experts’ report, the associate editor should recommend the acceptance for publication or rejection of the original work to the Editorial Committee and inform the authors of the final decision of the Editorial Committee.
  • Act as an ambassador for the Journal at conferences/key events that they are already attending.
  • Recommend at least two contacts a year that we can approach about writing a paper.
  • Take part, having voice and vote, in the deliberations of the Editorial Committee of Disputatio concerning matters of their competence.


Candidates accepted as Associate Editors should bear in mind the following conditions:

  • The position is strictly honorary, carrying absolutely no monetary compensation whatsoever. A document certifying membership at the Editorial Board as an Associate Editor and the time collaborating in that function may be issued at any moment at the request of the interested person.
  • The accepted candidate shall receive (remote) training and the necessary technical assistance to become acquainted with the systems of OJS and EasyChair.
  • The accepted candidates should commit themselves to handle the reception of original work sent to their respective section so that the authors receive notification of acceptance or rejection of the original works received within the maximal period according to the norms of the Review (currently ninety days).
  • The accepted candidates should keep uttermost confidentiality and care to preserve unpublished material sent by the authors to the Review and demand extreme precautions in this sense from reviewers-evaluators.
  • The accepted candidates should keep utmost confidentiality concerning the Editorial Board or Editorial Committee (these meetings take place in virtual modality by interchanging email messages with the other members).
  • Participating in this call for Associate Editors is understood to imply full acceptance of the preceding conditions and norms of internal workings of the Review; these norms establish that separation from the position may be by the resignation of the person occupying it or by agreement of the Editorial Committee of Disputatio.


The Editorial Committee of Disputatio shall carry out the selection of the Candidates to be accepted to the position of Associate Editor. Said Committee shall take into account, in particular, the following characteristics of the candidates:

  • Appropriateness for the profile of specialization for the position
  • Affiliation with a University or Centre of Investigation of prestige.
  • Seniority date of PhD obtained.
  • Trajectory in philosophy, regardless of the Academic career.
  • Previous experience as an author and reviewer of works published in academic reviews.
  • Previous experience in handling academic reviews.
  • Being fluent in two or more languages shall be very much appreciated, one of them necessarily being Spanish.

Interested persons should fill the application form attached here to and send it to the following email: disputatio@usal.es. If you wish to become Associate Editor in more than one area, please indicate the areas of speciality you visualize or wish to occupy in the application form. This call for Associate Editors shall stay open until midnight of the Aug 1st, 2021 and shall be settled as speedy as possible by the Editorial Committee of Disputatio during the days following that date.

Application for the Associate editor

Very truly yours

The Editorial Committee