Human Rests in a Digital World.Contemplative and Active Life starting from Arendt and Beyond

Call for Papers

International Conference

Naples, December 2025

2 days between 3 and 5 December (Wednesday-Friday)

Themes: Spiritual/contemplative/theoretical life, thoughtlessness, banality of evil, active life, moral life, political life, action, activities, values, plurality/pluralism, technology, nature, politics, revolution, judgement, AI, humanity, totalitarianism, cosmopolitanism, freedom, power, civil disobedience, war, violence and more.

Description and objectives of the project

The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt.

However, the conference is not solely intended to be a celebratory event; rather, it aims to provide an opportunity for scholars to assess the current state of Arendt studies. In particular, the conference intends to explore the legacy of Arendt in a world that has undergone significant transformation since she left it in 1975.

From a more properly philosophical and specifically theoretical-moral perspective, Arendtian reflection has been centered on two fundamental dimensions: the active life and the contemplative, mental, or theoretical life. Arendt’s work builds on these roots, consistently interrogating the relationship between human life and the world. She posits that nature and the world are two distinct aspects of reality, with the latter depending solely on the creative will of humans. Consequently, the world “made” by humans, as Arendt puts it, is inherently political.

In light of the emergence of new technologies, particularly in view of the growing assertion of the digital identity of the global community, it becomes pertinent to inquire into the extent to which the human condition is being transformed in this techno-digital age. In what ways are the categories of contemplative, mental, and theoretical life undergoing transformation in response to the growing prevalence of AI? Does the evolution of human thought indicate a trajectory toward extinction, or does it point toward the emergence of novel practices that are still being tested and defined? What impact does the digital dimension have on the selection of actions and decisions that can be considered “active” in the context of human existence? Does the digital environment enhance or diminish the capacity for free deliberation? Is the digital expression of the human condition a revolutionary opportunity to release submerged or repressed energies? Does it offer an opportunity to engage with new forms of cosmopolitanism? Conversely, are the practices of control and power associated with the digital texture of the world leading us toward new totalitarian experiences?

The following questions will be addressed during the conference.

In essence, it is a matter of applying the categories codified by Arendt in her major works to the new conformation of the world.

The scientific organization of the conference is entrusted to a well-established team of professors in theoretical and moral philosophy who are experts in both Arendtian studies and digital research. The conference will be held over two days and will include the participation of the most renowned and influential Arendt scholars from across the country. Additionally, a call for papers will be issued to enable younger scholars to contribute to the conference proceedings.

Organization and Candidacy.

The conference will take place over the course of two days, each consisting of several panels. It will be attended by renowned national and international Arendt scholars. The invitations will be accompanied by panels reserved for scholars to whom this CFP is addressed. 

The topics to be discussed are primarily related to philosophy, but contributions from other disciplines (history, politics, literature and culture in general) are welcome, as long as they are relevant to the topic of the call.

To apply, you must send, by Aprile 30, 2025, an abstract of your proposal (max. 2000 characters) and a brief profile indicating your institution of affiliation (university or other research institution, Italian or foreign), if any, and your main publications relevant to the theme of the conference. The accepted languages are Italian and English.

Nominations should be addressed to all members of the Scientific Committee:

Acceptance of the nomination will be communicated by June 30, 2025. Failure to respond will constitute non-acceptance of the nomination.

A collection of conference proceedings is planned.For more information you can write to: