Reconstructing Carnap

Webinar Series

La serie webinar Reconstructing Carnap inizierà il prossimo 22 Gennaio (in allegato la locandina complessiva dell’evento). La serie viene inaugurata da un seminario tenuto dal Prof. Christian Damböck dell’Università di Vienna. Il titolo del seminario, di cui si inoltra l’abstract, è Carnap in Chicago: The Road to “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology” e avrà luogo il prossimo 22 gennaio dalle 16.30 alle 18.30 al seguente link

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Carnap in Chicago: The Road to “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology”

By Christian Damböck, University of Vienna

Carnap was at the University of Chicago from 1936 to 1952. Despite the fact that his own characterization of the atmosphere in the philosophy department in his autobiography is entirely negative, evidence from Carnap’s diaries, as well as biographical evidence on key protagonists of the Chicago scene, suggests that Carnap’s time in Chicago was not only philosophically extremely fruitful, but also benefited from an increasingly productive climate of discussion in the philosophy department. His mature views on metaphysics and noncognitivism, as famously formulated in “Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology,” are obviously influenced by the views of other members of the Chicago philosophy department, including Richard McKeon and Warner Wick.

Google Meet,
22 gennaio 2025