Transgenerationality. Why Future Generations Matter

International Chair of Philosophy “Jacques Derrida”/ Law and Culture 8th Edition



Morning session • Chair: Carola Barbero

9.30-10.00Greetings Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin)Graziano Lingua (University of Turin) 
10.00-11.00“Paolo Bozzi” Prize for Ontology—Prize Award Ceremony Laudatio by Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin)The Real, The False, The Fake Lectio Magistralis by Graham Harman (Southern California Institute of Architecture, SCI-Arc)On Constraints in Science, Philosophy, and the Arts
11.00-11.30Coffee break
11.30-12.10Elisabetta Ballaira (Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura), Blythe Alice Raviola (University of Milan)The Past of Transgenerationality. Around a Book and Collective Historical Research
12.10-12.50Luigi Bonatti (University of Trento)Intergenerational Altruism in a Global Interconnected World: Some Paradoxes

Afternoon session • Chair: Erica Onnis

15.00-15.40Tiziana Andina (University of Turin)Time Will Tell. A Philosophy for Future Generations
15.40-16.20Mario Vergani (University of Milano-Bicocca)Generativity and Ethics. A Phenomenological Approach
16.20-17.00Alberto Pirni (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)Grounding Transgenerational Motivation


Morning session • Chair: Costanza Penna

10.00-11.00Prize Award CeremonyLaudatio by Petar Bojani? (University of Belgrade)Institutionalist or Counter-Institutionalist. What Does ‘Contre’ Mean? Lectio Magistralis by Christopher Fynsk (European Graduate School)The Library, at Home
11.00-11.30Coffee break
11.30-12.10Fausto Corvino (University of Gothenburg)Shifting (At Least Part of) the Economic Burden of the Energy Transition Onto Future Generations: a Pragmatic and Non-ideal Solution to the Present Generation’s Egoism or an Application of Transgenerational equity? 
12.10-12.50Ferdinando Menga (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)The Calling of/from the Future: Phenomenological Remarks on (the Challenges of) Intergenerational Justice

ORGANISED BY: Labont–Center for Ontology

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Lara Barbara, Davide Dal Sasso, Gregorio Fracchia, Valeria Martino, Erica Onnis, Costanza Penna, Giulio Sacco

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Valerio Adami, Gianmaria Ajani, Tiziana Andina, Carola Barbero, Petar Bojani?, Olivier Bouin, Marguerite Derrida, Alessandra Donati, Francesco Erspamer, Maurizio Ferraris, Günter Figal, Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux, Werner Gephart, Yves Hersant, Jolán Orbán, Michel Wieviorka

Sala Blu, Palazzo del Rettorato, Via Po 17, Torino (TO)
13-14 March 2023